The NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry’s primary mission is to facilitate breakthroughs in microbiology that fuel solutions for some of our nation’s greatest challenges by democratizing access to the novel equipment, workflows, and protocols that its users develop. Publications and presentations of the research enabled by the Ex-FAB NSF BioFoundry are critical to demonstrate our capabilities to future users.

To support the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry’s mission, and to recognize the critical support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation, researchers are asked to provide the following acknowledgments of support in any publications, presentations, websites, press releases, or other outputs:

NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry users should:

  • Mention the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry within the main body of publications or presentations, in the methods section or where the facilities or procedures are described.

                i.e.: “Genetic sequencing was performed at the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry user facilities at UCSB”

  • Include the NSF and NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry logos and mention the relevant instrumentation when describing experimental methodologies in conference presentations and posters. 

NSF Ex-FAB BioFoudnry users must:

  • Use the following acknowledgment in all publications:  “This material is based on work performed at the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry and supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. DBI-2400327.”

  • Acknowledge the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry award number (DBI 2400327) and/or the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry name in all presentations, websites, press releases, etc. that are generated or resulting from Ex-FAB support.

Please notify Sherylle Mills Englander, the Managing Director of the NSF Ex-FAB BioFoundry, of all publications ( for inclusion on the Ex-FAB website.

Please note: Per NSF branding policies, the NSF logo should always appear alongside the Ex-FAB logo.